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2024 January TD News

Published on 12/11/2023

For our last scheduled 2023 run, we ventured to Virginia City from Washoe State Park taking historic dirt roads!  Before the V&T Railroad, ore was hauled via wagon toll-roads to the Washoe Valley for processing.  These same routes still exist in the hills west of Virginia City.  We took Goni Road up to McClellan Peak to enjoy the views before heading on the Ophir Grade into town.  In Virginia City we had lunch and checked out the shops before heading out up Spanish Ravine.   Last winter’s heavy rains definitely beat up the roadbed making it more difficult than in years past.  Everyone got through the washouts and up to the top of Ophir Hill to take in the expansive views.  From there we headed down to the Jumbo Grade Trail OHV Staging Area to air up.  It was a beautiful windless day, and a great way to end our season.