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El Dorado Canyon Day

Published on 5/24/2019

Road equals Creek 
It is still too early in the season to be four-wheeling in the mountains, but conditions are good in the Nevada desert.  Mid-May has been unusually cold and rainy (and snowy in Truckee), but the rain gave us a day off for our trail ride.

We began our outing with a personalized tour of the Donovan Stamp Mill in Silver Hill, Nevada.  The mill is now owned by the Comstock Foundation and is slowly being restored for eventual public education.  The foundation has an impressive group of volunteers.  Thanks to Dean Eppley who arranged for our visit.

The afternoon brought us to the trail ride--El Dorado Canyon.  It is a long, slow trail with many challenges.  With fifteen vehicles in our caravan, it took five and a half hours to make our way through the canyon.  Nevertheless it is a beautiful ride, particularly in springtime.  

We were two hours late for our dinner stop in Carson City, but El Charro Anitias still got us in and served us a terrific meal.

The photo album is at 2019-05-18 El Dorado Day