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2023 April TD News

Dean Eppley | Published on 4/1/2023

Hunkered down during a blizzard is an ideal time to practice using my amateur radio (aka Ham).  Why?  Cellphones aren’t always reliable off-roading so I got an FCC amateur radio license for emergency use.  After charging up my handheld Yeasu radio, I went searching for repeaters.  Repeaters rebroadcast local signals greater distances.  Repeaters are located on mountain tops and are sometimes linked to other repeaters for covering great distances.  I was able to reach the SNARS standalone repeater on Mount Rose and the linked W6YOP repeater on Alder Peak from Tahoe Donner.  What a blast.  Amateur radio enthusiasts monitor these signals almost continuously.  As a “newbie” I was hesitant to ask for more than a radio check, but learned the fun of amateur radioing is conversing with others.  I met a bunch of very helpful longtime enthusiasts who were very giving of their time.   I’ll be checking in regularly!


Mountaintop Antennas