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2023 December TD News

David W Gray | Published on 12/1/2023

We had a long weekend trip to Bridgeport for some exploring.  Our first adventure was up from Virginia Lakes on Dunderberg Meadow Road to the Kavanaugh Ridge.  From the ridge we looked down on beautiful lakes sparkling in the setting sun.  Stunning!  The aspens were starting to change colors making the mountain vistas even more magical.  The next day we climbed to Log Cabin Mine above Lee Vining.  The mine ruins are mostly intact but last Winter’s near record snowfall did collapse a part of the processing building roof.  We continued on to Bald Mountain Fire Lookout for more inspiring Eastern Sierra views.  Sunday the group ventured to the top of Mount Patterson with stops at Masonic and Chemung Mines on the way back. Before heading home, part of the group stopped at Bodie State Historic Park for a step back in time. See for more information.